About Atha Yoga
Yoga Sūtra I.1: Atha yogānuśasanam
Atha is the first word of Patanjali’s Yoga Sūtra and, in many ways, it sums up the whole endeavour. Atha can be translated to mean “now” in English. It is the place where practice - and our whole life - happens.
The Atha Yoga School was created in 2020 as a home for teachers and students who want to explore the question: is this all there is? (Hint: no!). When your yoga practice is not attached to any specific idea of how it should look but is rooted instead in how it feels, then everything is possible.
Join us for classes, workshops and individualised yoga therapy and mentoring - let’s explore atha together.

“Yoga is relationship.” TKV Desikachar
Pictured here: Students in a weekly class for residents at the Mountainview Home in Meadows, NL (2017)
Individualised Yoga and Mentoring
Traditionally, yoga was taught one-on-one. There are some very good reasons for this: all of us arrive at that atha moment in different bodies with different histories and as a result of our own particular causes and conditions. The transformational work of yoga happens in its most sustainable way if it occurs slowly over time with individualised guidance from an experienced teacher. Atha Yoga School is committed to cultivating this kind of relationship between students and teachers.
In addition to special workshops and longterm trainings, we offer yoga therapy to all and yoga mentorship for yoga teachers and others with an established practice. In either case, each student receives a daily practice created together with the teacher after an in-depth discussion about their lifestyle, diet, and goals. After that initial session, you will continue to meet with your teacher for an hour weekly, bi-weekly or monthly based on your needs. A daily practice might include movement, conscious breathing, visualisation, chanting, sūtra study and more. This is the beauty of an individualised practice - there are no “shoulds.” And, because it is based in foundational texts like the Yoga Sūtra and Hatha Yoga Pradipika, there is an integrity and wisdom behind it that is time-tested and reliable.
A “Free 15” appointment (a short, introductory meeting at no charge) is available to see whether yoga therapy or mentorship is the right option for you.